This document describes the installation and serialization of OMNIS Studio 2.4 under Windows 95/98, Windows NT, PowerMacintosh, and Linux.
1. Installing OMNIS Studio.
2. Serializing OMNIS Studio.
3. Evaluating OMNIS Studio.
4. Installation Support.
1. Installing OMNIS Studio.
The OMNIS Studio CD contains a Windows, Linux, and Mac folder containing the Setup or Installer programs to install OMNIS Studio version 2.4. In addition the Manuals folder contains the complete docs set for OMNIS Studio in PDF format and the Acrobat Readers.
1.1 Installing OMNIS Studio under Windows.
To install OMNIS Studio under Windows, open the Windows folder and run the Setup.exe program by double clicking on it, following the instructions provided. If you are new to OMNIS Studio you should select the NEW USERS option in the Installer to install the development version of OMNIS Studio automatically.
Experienced users can choose the Experienced Users option in Setup, or they can install the development, runtime, or server version of Studio using the installers contained in the INSTALL folder. Please note that you should install the OMNIS Studio 2.4 into a new folder, not over the top of your existing OMNIS folder.
1.2 Installing OMNIS Studio for PowerMac.
To install OMNIS Studio for PowerMac, open the Mac folder and run the Installer program by double clicking on it, following the instructions provided. Please note that you should install the OMNIS Studio 2.4 into a new folder, not over the top of your existing OMNIS folder.
1.3 Installing OMNIS Studio under Linux.
1.3.1 New Users installation.
To install OMNIS Studio for Linux, open the Linux folder and run the Setup program, following the instructions provided. Please note that you should install the OMNIS Studio 2.4 into a new folder, not over the top of your existing OMNIS folder.
1.3.2 Experienced user installation using the .rpm files
The INSTALL folder inside the Linux folder contains an rpm installer file for the Development, Runtime, Server, and Web Client versions of OMNIS Studio for Linux called omnis.rpm, omnisrt.rpm, omserver.rpm, and omweb.rpm respectively. You can install one of these directly from the CD or copy the rpm file to your local machine and install from there. At the command line type:
rpm -i <complete path to the .rpm file>
Alternatively, you can use a graphical rpm manager to install the .rpm file. You can also install OMNIS Studio for Linux from .taz file(s) also supplied on the CD, which is described below.
1.3.3 Experienced user installation using the .taz files
The Development, Runtime, and Server versions of Omnis Studio for Linux are stored in the files called omnis.taz, omnisrt.taz, and omserver.taz respectively. The installation process is the same for each file, as follows. Copy the appropriate .taz file to the directory in which you wish to install OMNIS. At the command line type:
tar -xzvf <name of .taz file>
Next you need to append the Omnis Studio home directory to the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. You also need to create a script to execute Omnis Studio. This is completed by executing the omset file using the command:
A file called omnisI386 has been created in the Omnis Studio home directory. It is now possible to run Omnis Studio for Linux (either Development, Runtime, or Server) by executing the file omnisI386 using the command.
Please note that if you install other software that amends the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable you must execute omset again and create a new omnisI386 file to ensure that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable is not incorrectly overwritten by the omnisI386 script.
1.3.4 Adding Omnis to the Gnome Desktop
An Image of the Omnis Studio Icon (studio.png) is present in the Omnis Studio home directory, this can be used on a Desktop Toolbar button to launch Omnis Studio. The following describes how you can add the Omnis program to the Gnome desktop (note this may not be true for other desktop environments).
1. Right-Click on Gnome taskbar and select 'Add New Launcher' from the menu.
2. When the 'Create launcher applet' dialog opens, enter:
'Omnis Studio' as the name
'Omnis Studio' as the comment
[Installation Path]/omnisI386 as the command
3. Click the 'Icon' button and select [Installation Path]/studio.png
4. Click OK
5. Click the new applet icon from the Gnome taskbar to launch Omnis.
1.3.5 Installing Omnis Web Client under Linux
Copy the omweb.taz file to the Netscape home /usr/lib/netscape. At the command line type:
tar -xzvf omweb.taz
This will create an omnis folder at the same level as the plugins folder and place files in both of these folders. The script also creates some virtual links that are required to enable the use of the web client.
2. Serializing OMNIS Studio.
When you first run OMNIS Studio, you are prompted for your Name, Company name, and Serial number. Customers upgrading should enter their existing serial number.
3. Evaluating OMNIS Studio.
If you are evaluating OMNIS, you should leave the Name, Company name, and Serial number fields blank and click on OK. This creates an evaluation version of OMNIS which gives you access to the full OMNIS development environment and GUI tools, but it has the following minor technical limitations.
-a maximum of 150 records can be inserted into a table in a data file.
-reports are limited to 2 pages.
-if you are using SQL, a warning message appears on a regular basis.
-the serial number dialog appears each time you start OMNIS: each time you run it, leave the fields blank and click OK.
Note that it is only the Development version of OMNIS Studio that will work without a serial number, as described above. To evaluate the Runtime and Server versions of OMNIS Studio, you need to contact your local sales representative to obtain the appropriate serial numbers.
4. Installation Support.
If you are having problems installing Omnis, we provide email only installation support during the first 30 days. Please email us at: